Showing posts with label Mabalingwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mabalingwe. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WASP Burial Services/ Obituary for The Unknown GrassHopper

This was filmed at Mabalingwe Nature Reserve 
At First I spotted the WASP on the ground and was happy to see my camera could pick it up, a day later I saw that the WASP had killed a grasshopper and brought it back to the hole to feeds its babies

Sorry its a bit wobbly

Obituary for The Unknown GrassHopper

Alas we never met him 
but were present At him burial

He lived life for the day, and hope 
And Jumped on spring legs

All we can say is you live by the sword
And die by the WASP

Man what a sting

Mabalingwe Warthog

This must be one of me favorite bush residents at Mabalingwe,
We were visited through out the day but various size Warthogs
You can see the animals are used to being fed since they stand and stare at you for hours
Distribution of the Common Warthog
Possible range or accidental records
The Warthog or Common Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family that lives in grassland, savanna, and woodland in Sub-Saharan Africa.[1][2] In the past it was commonly treated as a subspecies of P. aethiopicus, but today that scientific name is restricted to the Desert Warthog of northern Kenya, Somalia, and eastern Ethiopia.[3]
The common name comes from the four large, wart-like protrusions found on the head of the warthog, which serve as a fat reserve and are used for defense when males fight

Mabalingwe Red-chested Cuckoo / Piet my Vrou

Mabalingwe is a great resort just out side of bela bela,
We had a great week their, the accommodation is great and the resort defiantly deserves its gold crown status from RCI
We stopped quite a bit and the Piet my Vrou was great since he was not bothered hiding at all
The Red-chested Cuckoo (Cuculus solitarius) is a species of cuckoo in the Cuculidae family. It is a medium-sized bird (28 to 30 cm), found in Africa south of the Sahara.